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English translation for "destruction probability"


Related Translations:
stockpile destruction:  销毁储存
platelet destruction:  血小板破坏
self destruction:  自毁
facility destruction:  设施损坏
destruction operation:  撤消操作
destruction marking:  破坏标志方式
erythrocyte destruction:  红细胞破坏
safe destruction:  安全试破安全钻井
mass destruction weapon:  大规模杀伤性武器
Example Sentences:
1.Effect of the guidance error on destruction probability of anti - ship missile
2.Second , by computing the trajectory of the missile and the method of analyzing cep , influences that the fighter ' s height , speed , pitch angle , the deflection angle between fighter and target , and the target moving characters make on the times of fighter attack and missile launch are deeply developed . third , by relating the motion of the missile and the fighter , the influences that fighter ' s dive angle and the deflection angle between fighter and target make on the attack field of the fighter are discussed in this paper when the fighter perform vertical and horizontal attack . criterion of attack effect is proposed focusing on attack time of the fighter , trajectory of the missile and destruction probability to the target
本文主要完成了以下几个方面的工作:对导弹可发射区和飞机可攻击区进行建模,通过对导弹弹道的仿真计算,并运用典型的圆概率偏差精度分析方法,详细讨论了飞机实施攻击时,飞机的飞行高度h 、速度v 、俯仰角、与目标的偏离角_ x及目标运动特性等对飞机攻击时机和导弹发射时机的影响;因此,将飞机和导弹结合起来,详细研究了飞机在垂直平面和水平平面内实施攻击时,飞机俯冲角和与目标的偏离角_ x对飞机的攻击范围的影响;以飞机实施攻击的时间t 、弹道特性和对目标的杀伤概率p来评判对地攻击的效果;最后给出典型算例,通过对空地攻击过程的仿真实现,对飞机飞行过载提出要求。
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